
Fab Boy tagged us with this meme. I'll answer as CG1 is deathly ill with the child-crud.

Maybe she'll respond in the comment section when she's recovered.

(The goal was to use one-word answers. He KNEW this would be impossible for us, but he tagged us anyway!)

Where is your mobile phone? Near

Where is your significant other? Working (where else would he be?)
Your hair colour? Enhanced

Your mother? Martyr

Your father? Deceased

Your favourite thing? Books

Your dream last night? X-rated

Your dream goal? Immortality

The room you're in? Oppressive

Your hobby? Commuting

Your fear? Bifocals

Where do you want to be in 6 years? Retired

Where were you last night? Work

What you're not? Lazy

One of your wish-list items? iMac

Where you grew up? House

The last thing you did? Commute

What are you wearing? (Fab Boys’ answer: Hotpants) Pantyhose

Your TV? Ridiculous

Your pets? Many

Your computer? Slooooooow

Your mood? Tired (I know that's a condition, not a mood, but it is an overwhelming condition)

Missing someone? (Gasp! Is someone missing?!)

Your car? Elderly

Something you're not wearing? Shackles

Favourite shop? None (I hate to shop)

Your summer? Dry

Love someone? Abunch

Your favourite colour? Grey

When is the last time you laughed? Hotpants

When is the last time you cried? Commuting….
And I'm passing on the Meme Love to Mel - who always makes me smile, Dory - except that Fabs beat me to it (love ya, birth-separated twin!), Alejna - whose pants, Tom - who I'm SO happy is back!, and new-to-you Alicia whose blog I ADORE. You will, too.


fatboyfat said…
I'm getting hotpant flashbacks. It's a beautiful thing.
Melissa said…
HA! Someone already bet you to this. I did it last week. :P
Anonymous said…
Okay, I'll play. (I did this one a while back using monosyllabic answers, but perhaps I will give myself a new constraint.) I probably won't get to this for a few days.

By the way, I'm NaBloPoMo-ing, too. I guess we've known each othr for close to a year, now!

And sorry about al that commuting. I feel for you.
Alicia P. said…
Hilarious. (In one word) and thank you for the shout out. I'll definitely give this a try. :-)