Christmas Observations

Santa Baby, please bring me a week's worth of Spanx brassieres because they are a miracle. (Now there's an example of modern science being put to good use!)

I cannot imagine anything less festive than Toby Keith singing Frosty the Snowman. Seriously, Pagans are using that song to try to convert back Christians.

A dress-up Christmas party? Just one? Isn't such a bad way to get into the holiday spirit.

Seeing reindeer antlers and a big red nose on a big, bad-ass pickup truck never fails to make me smile (you sort of expect it on a Mini Cooper).

For the second year running, my favorite seasonal pass time is finding obscure Christmas songs and burning CDs for the Hubster - it gets him out of his musical comfort zone. He has no idea what's on the disc when I give it to him, but he's game enough to play it.


I have been seeing the SUV antlers all over town here I had never seen them before - but you're right I have yet to see them on a mini or a smart car where I would think they'd be best suited :) But I do love a tough truck sporting them!