The Grammar Police Take a Time Out

I'm not going tell him he misspelled you're.
Are YOU going to tell him?


c.a. Marks said…
Hellz to the stupid yes, I'd tell him.
Expat From Hell said…
Neither should Alien be capitalized. Then again, maybe Idiot should be. EFH
Mrs. Gamgee said…
Oh my... I don't know whether to laugh or cry. *shaking my head*
wineandroasts said…
Another level of wrong: No belt.
alejna said…
Heh. You've seen Teabonics,, right?
Nina said…
Um, I've actually seen this same grammar error in a TATTOO. In a visible place. Bless their hearts.
Alicia said…
heck no i wouldn't tell him...i'm mexican, he'd probably try and deport me.