It did WHAT???

If you store your cast iron in the oven? Because you live in the South and uae a convection toaster oven because IT'S HOT and you don't want to heat up the house?

Then, if you put a cantaloupe in the big oven so that the fruit flies don't find it, and then you forget about said cantaloupe, your cast iron will RUST. Rust. All of it ;( This part I didn't get; I mean, there's the moisture thing and all that but I'm a little offended that the cast iron got all pissy in...what? A week? Ten days? CHILL, boys, just chill a little. IT"S HOT.

And the cantaloupe will get all Stephen King on you.


Country Girl said…
It actually took two of us to figure out what this WAS...
jon said…
Cantaloupe rust? Hmmm....
What would McGiver do?
He's a smart guy but.....cantaloupe rust?
I just don't know.