
The dog hates it when I laugh out loud and we're the only ones here

Pimp My Income

You're Hired

Happy Birthday!...

Jury Duty Break

Post Pressure

Out of the mouths of babes...

Choooose your battles...

Opthalmic Euphemisms

I'm Not Even Going To Say It Aloud

Confessions of a Mail Order Bride

My kids call me a "freak magnet"...

What Valentine's Day Means To Me...

Buy a Mattress - It's Presidents Day!

Brain Droppings

Screaming with the Television On

Things that make you smile...

Friday Funny

After the Dust Settles

Just so you know...

Democracy Now

'Scuse me while I polish my Mother of the Year crown

You don't WANT me there!

Learn From the Wisdom of My Experience

Our Most Revered National Holiday