

i have a post...

We said we'd post...

About "normal..."

Sunday Punny Sunday

I wrote an explanation...UPDATE!

It's So Tasty Too!

Y'all do WHAT????

Not a Real Post

It is genetic...

I did that thing...

Inventing Insults

Saturday Slap in the Face

Friday Funny (from the fields)...

Sitting in the parking lot...


You're gonna have to trust me here....

Tune In, Drop Out, Get on a Plane

Amen, Sister

Things that make you go "Whut?"

Maximum Elevenness

Rocket City

Be afraid....


It started out as a very short list...

Pantone Pansies

It's A Wonderful Life!!

Friday Funny

A couple of years ago...

I'm coming! I'm coming!

NaBloPoMo 2011 - Let the Games Begin!